Rainwater Collection Systems


Agritek inc.

(830) 201-3555

1.  What type of roof is required for rainwater collection?

        For potable water supply, a metal or clay tile roof is required.  However, if you are collecting rainwater for irrigation or non-potable use, any roof type

        would be acceptable.

2.  How much rainwater can I collect from my roof?

       You can collect approximately 0.6 gallons per 1 square foot of roof per 1 inch of rain.  (For example, a 2,000 square foot roof will collect approximately   

       1,000 gallons from 1 inch of rain.

3.  How many gallons of rainwater do I need to collect to sustain my household year round?

       The average person consumes between 30 and 50 gallons of water per day, or 1,500 gallons per month.)  The trick is to have enough storage capacity to

       last through the "dry season", which is about three months out of the year in Central Texas.

4.  Why should I collect and use rainwater?

​       There are a number of benefits for rainwater collection.  First and foremost would be the excellent quality of rainwater - with no hardness or dissolved

       minerals, it is the perfect water.  Another key is the peace of mind in having your own self-sustaining water supply that is easily accessible to you and

       your family.  Lastly, conservation just makes good sense.

5.  I am building a new house and thinking about rainwater collection.  What considerations and provisions

     do I need to make and when?

       The sooner the better!  We can work with your architect and/or builder to ensure that the provisions for your rainwater system are in place.  The most

       common considerations are: tank placement, roof type, elevations, pump and filtration location, electrical needs, guttering requirements, and plumbing

       configurations in the house.